まぁ 試してもらえれば効果は分かる。あと明度や彩度まで回転式になってるので、
Function Bigger(ByVal A As Single, B As Single)
まぁ 試してもらえれば効果は分かる。あと明度や彩度まで回転式になってるので、
Function Bigger(ByVal A As Single, B As Single)
Max = A
If A < B Then
Max = B
End If
Bigger = Max
End Function
Function Smaller(ByVal A As Single, B As Single)
Dim min
min = A
If A > B Then
min = B
End If
Smaller = min
End Function
Sub test()
Dim Data(4) As Variant
' Data(0) = 0
' Data(1) = 1
Data(2) = 2
' Data(3) = 3
Data(4) = 4
' MsgBox "Max:" & Maximam(Data) & " ,Min:" & Minimam(Data)
MsgBox "Max:" & Data(Biggest(Data)) & " ,Min:" & Data(Smallest(Data))
End Sub
Function Biggest(ByVal InData)
Dim crntmax
Dim n
For n = 0 To UBound(InData)
If InData(n) = "" Then
Exit For
End If
crntmin = InData(LBound(InData) + n)
For i = LBound(InData) + n To UBound(InData)
If UBound(InData) - LBound(InData) = i Then
Exit For
End If
If InData(i) < InData(i + 1) Then
' crntmax = InData(i + 1)
crntmax = i + 1
End If
Biggest = crntmax
End Function
Function Smallest(ByVal InData)
Dim crntmin
Dim n
For n = 0 To UBound(InData)
If InData(n) = "" Then
Exit For
End If
crntmin = InData(LBound(InData) + n)
For i = LBound(InData) + n To UBound(InData)
If UBound(InData) - LBound(InData) = i Then
Exit For
End If
If InData(i + 1) = "" Then
ElseIf InData(i) > InData(i + 1) Then
' crntmin = InData(i + 1)
crntmin = i + 1
End If
Smallest = crntmin
End Function
Sub TestColor()
Dim BaseColor As Long
Dim RGBData As Long
Dim H As Single, S As Single, V As Single
Dim Rad As Long
Dim Sat As Long
Dim Val As Long
Dim rgb
Rad = 12
Val = -10
Sat = 10
BaseColor = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Range("B3").Interior.Color
For i = 1 To 30
ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Range("B3").Offset(i, 0).Interior.Color = ChgColorHue(BaseColor, Rad * i)
ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Range("A3").Offset(i, 0).Interior.Color = MonoTone(ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Range("B3").Offset(i, 0).Interior.Color)
ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Range("C3").Interior.Color = ChgColorVal(BaseColor, Val)
ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Range("C4").Interior.Color = ChgColorSat(BaseColor, Sat)
End Sub
Sub testrgbVal()
Dim rgb As Variant
rgb = RevRGB(ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Range("B3").Interior.Color)
MsgBox "RGB(" & rgb(1) & "," & rgb(2) & "," & rgb(3) & ")"
End Sub
Function RevRGB(Color As Long) As Variant
Dim c, rgb(3) As Variant
c = Right("000000" & Hex(Color), 6)
rgb(1) = Val("&H" & Right(c, 2))
rgb(2) = Val("&H" & Mid(c, 3, 2))
rgb(3) = Val("&H" & Left(c, 2))
RevRGB = rgb
'MsgBox "RGB(" & r & "," & g & "," & B & ")"
End Function
Function MonoTone(ByVal Color) As Long
Dim RGBData As Long
Dim H As Single, S As Single, V As Single
Call RGB_ToHSV(Color, H, S, V)
' H = 0
S = 0
Call RGB_FromHSV(RGBData, H, S, V)
MonoTone = RGBData
End Function
Function ChgColorHue(ByVal Color As Long, Rad As Long) As Long
Dim RGBData As Long
Dim H As Single, S As Single, V As Single
Call RGB_ToHSV(Color, H, S, V)
H = (H + Rad) Mod 360
Call RGB_FromHSV(RGBData, H, S, V)
ChgColorHue = RGBData
End Function
Function ChgColorSat(ByVal Color As Long, Sat As Long) As Long
Dim RGBData As Long
Dim H As Single, S As Single, V As Single
Call RGB_ToHSV(Color, H, S, V)
S = (S + Sat) Mod 100
Call RGB_FromHSV(RGBData, H, S, V)
ChgColorSat = RGBData
End Function
Function ChgColorVal(ByVal Color As Long, Val As Long) As Long
Dim RGBData As Long
Dim H As Single, S As Single, V As Single
Call RGB_ToHSV(Color, H, S, V)
V = (V + Val) Mod 100
Call RGB_FromHSV(RGBData, H, S, V)
ChgColorVal = RGBData
End Function
Sub RGB_ToHSV(ByVal iiRGB As Long, ByRef orH As Single, ByRef orS As Single, ByRef orV As Single)
Dim rR As Single, rG As Single, rB As Single
Dim rKr As Single, rKg As Single, rKb As Single
Dim rMin As Single, rDiff As Single
Dim c As String
rMin = 1
orV = 0
'' 3原色を分離して百分率に。
c = Right("000000" & Hex(iiRGB), 6)
rR = Val("&H" & Right(c, 2))
rR = rR / 255
rG = Val("&H" & Mid(c, 3, 2))
rG = rG / 255
rB = Val("&H" & Left(c, 2))
rB = rB / 255
'' 明度は、RGB 各要素の最大のものと同等です。
orV = Bigger(rG, rB)
orV = Bigger(rR, orV)
'' 彩度は、RGB 各要素の最小と最大の差を、最大で割ったもの。
rMin = Smaller(rG, rB)
rMin = Smaller(rR, rMin)
rDiff = orV - rMin
If orV <> 0 Then
orS = (rDiff / orV)
orS = 0
End If
'' 色相は、どの値が最大値だったかにより違い、以下の計算で求まります。
'' 最大の値により、色相角が決まるのです。
'' またここで、0 =< and < 360 の範囲に収めます。
'' ただし、色がなければ、色相はゼロです。
If orS = 0 Then
orH = 0
rKr = (orV - rR) / rDiff
rKg = (orV - rG) / rDiff
rKb = (orV - rB) / rDiff
Select Case orV
Case rR: orH = rKb - rKg
Case rG: orH = 2 + rKr - rKb
Case rB: orH = 4 + rKg - rKr
End Select
orH = orH * 60: If orH < 0 Then orH = orH + 360
End If
'' 明度・彩度を 0 ~ 100 にします。
orV = orV * 100
orS = orS * 100
End Sub
Sub RGB_FromHSV(ByRef oiRGB As Long, ByVal irH As Single, ByVal irS As Single, ByVal irV As Single)
Dim rR As Single, rG As Single, rB As Single
Dim iI As Integer
Dim rF As Single, rP As Single, rQ As Single, rT As Single
'' 数値を 1 以下に収めます。
irS = irS / 100
irV = irV / 100
If irS = 0 Then
rR = irV
rG = irV
rB = irV
irH = irH / 60
If irH = 6 Then irH = 0
iI = Int(irH)
rF = irH - iI
rP = irV * (1 - irS)
rQ = irV * (1 - irS * rF)
rT = irV * (1 - (irS * (1 - rF)))
Select Case iI
Case 0: rR = irV: rG = rT: rB = rP
Case 1: rR = rQ: rG = irV: rB = rP
Case 2: rR = rP: rG = irV: rB = rT
Case 3: rR = rP: rG = rQ: rB = irV
Case 4: rR = rT: rG = rP: rB = irV
Case 5: rR = irV: rG = rP: rB = rQ
End Select
End If
oiRGB = rgb(Int(rR * 255.9999), Int(rG * 255.9999), Int(rB * 255.9999))
End Sub
Function NextVisibleRow(ByVal CrntRow As Range, UorL) As Range
If UorL = U Then
For NofR = 1 To 1000
If CrntRow.Offset(-NofR, 0).EntireRow.Hidden = False Then
Exit For
End If
Set NextVisibleRow = CrntRow.Offset(-NofR, 0)
For NofR = 1 To 10000
If CrntRow.Offset(NofR, 0).EntireRow.Hidden = False Then
Exit For
End If
Set NextVisibleRow = CrntRow.Offset(NofR, 0)
End If
End Function
Function NextVisibleCol(ByVal CrntCol As Range, LorR) As Range
If LorR = L Then
For NofC = 1 To 1000
If CrntCol.Offset(-NofC, 0).EntireColumn.Hidden = False Then
Exit For
End If
Set NextVisibleCol = CrntCol.Offset(-NofC, 0)
For NofC = 1 To 1000
If CrntCol.Offset(NofC, 0).EntireColumn.Hidden = False Then
Exit For
End If
Set NextVisibleCol = CrntCol.Offset(NofC, 0)
End If
End Function
Sub test()
Dim tgtrow As Range
Set tgtrow = NextVisibleRow(Range("A9"), U)
MsgBox tgtrow.Address
End Sub